There was ice on the ground, the sun was just beginning to pop over the trees, and among the trees there was quiet...almost no sound. Just the sound of a few birds and the sounds of a warm house. The heater was roaring and so were the snores from the sleepers. Me, I was wide awake and ready to take some photos.
Just wanted to share what I woke up to the day after Christmas at my mom's house. While the house was still quiet and everyone else was still asleep. I, of course, took my camera and began shooting what I thought would be something for me to remember and pass on to anyone willing to take a peek.
(I was also trying to perfect my skills in manual mode. So none of these photos have been edited.)
(I was also trying to perfect my skills in manual mode. So none of these photos have been edited.)
Here sits Santa, Gingerbread Man, and Mr. Snowman in the living area.
Christmas theme pot holder hanging on the kitchen cabinet.
Mom's Christmas scene lit up with a few "AA" batteries....I was playing with my manual mode on this photo.
This is Me-Me, my mom's beloved dog. Since I was up early, I let her out to do her "business". As she was walking up to come back in, I snapped this cute little shot of her looking at me, like, open the door fool! This dog is 14 years old and it's getting hard for her to get around the place. She wakes up and can hardly walk due to arthritis and she doesn't leave my mom's side, literally! Where ever my mom is, that dog is right under her. You bump into her and she falls helplessly on the floor. But she is a sweet dog.
As I was sitting in the living room, I noticed my toes were sure getting warm fast. I looked down and saw a little read lite connected to his small size heater. This small heater put out some heat and my toes sure did stay warm that morning.
"open the door fool'! teeekekeketeee (inside joke between me and my sista photochick...:)