For the past few weeks I've been riding back and fourth on Juban Rd. for Girl Scout stuff. This is a road that runs between two major highways in Denham Springs. And everytime I ride down Juban, I pass this old house with the gorgeous and huge oak tree with a tire swing. When I would pass, it would usually be around 6:30 or close to 7:00 p.m. and the sun shining through the leaves and moss was simply amazing. I knew then that I had to capture some photo's under that darn tree. So, I stopped one Sunday evening at the house, parked my car, and proceeded to knock on the door hoping someone would answer. Well, no one did. I left my business card in the door frame with a note saying, "Please call me! I would like to photograph my daughter under your oak tree". Lowe and behold, they called that night. I was soooo excited that they responded cause you know just any ole person can leave a card and say, "Call me", and really expect someone to call back. I had to call the person back the next day and knew as soon as I had time, I would be out there like white on rice!
After school and work on a Monday evening, Cameron and I headed out to Juban Rd. to meet with the homeowners. When we pulled up the couple was sitting on the front porch with their little girl. I re-introduced myself to the man and the woman and met their daughter. They had another little girl and she was just as adorable! So we chatted a little and told them that to return the favor of letting me borrow their tree and swing, I would be back another day to take some photo's of their blonde hair and blue eyed little girls. Can't wait for that, but that's a whole other blog stay tuned.
The point for this blog was that I wanted to capture a silhouette shot of Cameron on the swing under the big oak and flowing moss. I think I captured what I wanted, even with some fussiness from Cameron....and here it is:
I tried not the get that light pole in the background, but I still think what I was trying for shows through!
(All of the photo's you see have not been edited. They are in their true form!)
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